Recycling in DeKalb
DeKalb County’s Curbside Recycling Program
Recycling is an easy way to reduce your impact on the planet. Recycling saves energy, keeps waste from the landfill, and creates green jobs in your local area. In 2005 Commissioner Gannon sponsored the legislation that established the countywide recycling program in DeKalb County. In 2012 the signup fee was dropped. Currently, there are over 66,000 households registered countywide.

Cut down on waste collection by diverting recyclables from the county’s Seminole Road Landfill. You can drop off your mixed paper recyclables at DeKalb County libraries and fire stations.
Residential Single-Stream Recycling
Single-stream curbside recycling is a FREE subscription service offered to DeKalb County residents by the DeKalb County Sanitation Division. Recyclable materials are collected on residents’ scheduled sanitation collection service day. To subscribe to the program or request recycling materials, please choose one of the following options:
- Click here to subscribe online to the Residential Curbside Single-Stream Recycling Program.
- Click here to print and complete the Residential Curbside Single-Stream Recycling Form, and mail or drop it off to the Sanitation Division’s administrative office, 3720 Leroy Scott Drive, Decatur, GA 30032.
- Click here for prepaid fee payment options for blue recycling bags and recycling roll cart requests.
Seminole Road Landfill
Seminole Landfill allows residents to recycle and get free compost. They will also accept up to 10 scrap tires at a charge of $1.00 per tire. At its Green Energy Facility, methane gas from the landfill is captured and converted to electricity. The landfill was the first facility in the state to participate in the methane to electricity conversion program. In partnership with the Clean Cities Atlanta Coalition, DeKalb County received a grant to create a program for the conversion of methane gas to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) at Seminole Road Landfill. This reduces the use of fossil fuels for transportation, and will save the county an estimated $3 million in fuel costs over the next few years. There is also a CNG fueling station open to the public at the landfill.
The landfill is also open for tours. Visitors can tour the landfill, the Green Energy Facility, and the CNG site.