Blooms for a greener tomorrow
The DeKalb Meadow Project
Roadside Meadows are to be enjoyed from the inside of your car while driving by. Do not pull over or get out of your car. Drive safely.
The DeKalb Meadows Project:
square feet of
wildflower meadows
54 gal
of gasoline saved a year from decresed mowing
species of native bees
able to pollinate
Flowers are blooming across DeKalb County
DeKalb County spends thousands of dollars every year to mow and blow our landscapes. When Commissioner Terry took office in 2021, he immediately began to work on creative solutions that beautify DeKalb’s landscapes while also healing our soils and decreasing fossil fuel and chemical usage. In 2023, Commissioner Terry championed the effort for a “Wildflower and Beautification Fund” and in 2024 we are seeing over 100,000 square feet of wildflower meadows bloom.
Regenerating our land, one flower at a time
But these projects aren’t just about the beauty of flowers- they’re about promoting soil health, biodiversity, and groundbreaking methods for maintaining green spaces, that regenerate our land (without polluting our planet). This is putting our foot forward on innovation in ecological land use. Let’s unite to make DeKalb County more vibrant, sustainable, and flowerful than ever!
Find a DeKalb Meadow
Roadside meadows are to be enjoyed from the inside of your car while driving by. Do not pull over or get out of your car. Drive safely.