Commissioner Ted Terry Kicks Off Series of Town Halls to Share His Newly Released First Term Report 

Team Terry launching six virtual and in-person community town hall events 

DEKALB COUNTY– Commissioner Ted Terry (D-District 6) has kicked off his town hall series to share his new first-term report and connect with his more than 300,000 constituents. The report highlights the strides made in environmental sustainability, housing accessibility and equity within DeKalb County since Commissioner Terry came into office in 2021. 

To ensure all residents have an opportunity to connect with him, Commissioner Terry will hold five in person town halls and one tele-town hall moderated by Nemiah Plant, Professor of Political Science for Middle Georgia State University. During the tele-town hall on February 27th at 6:30 p.m., 65,000 community members will receive a call and have the opportunity to ask questions and listen to Commissioner Terry and Plant’s discussion about his first term and his goals for the future.  

“Sharing our progress and vision through my first term report is crucial for transparency and collaboration,” said Commissioner Terry. “I am prioritizing reaching all residents because I want to hear from the people I serve and I firmly believe that together, we can shape a DeKalb County that truly reflects our shared values of sustainability, equity, and inclusivity.”

Commissioner Terry’s key accomplishments and future plans are detailed in his report, including the development of sustainable housing projects, the promotion of green policies, and initiatives aimed at enhancing community welfare and inclusivity. The report also includes a timeline of events and outlines how district discretionary funds and funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) were appropriated.  You can view the full list of town halls here. If you are interested in joining the tele-town hall, you can rsvp here.