DeKalb County Super District 6 Commissioner Ted Terry Casts Opposing Vote for Proposed 2022 Budget

DEKALB COUNTY, GA (February 22, 2022)  -– District 6 Commissioner Ted Terry voted to oppose DeKalb County’s 2022 proposed budget during Tuesday’s Board of Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, February 22. 

Terry stated that while the current budget proposal did include much-deserved bonuses for police and fire employees, the same effort should be extended to other frontline and essential workers, including sanitation, water and sewer employees. Terry also stated that more time should be allowed for taxpayers to provide feedback and input on the 2022 budget.

Commissioner Terry’s Official Statement:

“Our budget is more than a fiscal document, it’s a moral document. While our police and fire employees are receiving a much-deserved frontline bonus for their work throughout this pandemic –– our sanitation workers, and our water and sewer workers are not.

I know the people doing these jobs. I’ve been to the water treatment plant, the sewer treatment facility, and the landfill to talk to the managers and workers and I’m here to say: they are frontline, essential employees. The jobs they do are critical to our county, and we have a moral obligation to demonstrate that through our words and through our actions. By not including frontline bonuses for all of our essential frontline workers, the budget put forward today failed to achieve that.

I look forward to working with my colleagues over the coming weeks and months to put forward budget amendments that address this discrepancy.”

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